Published Resources Details Report

Beadle, S.
Facilitating the Transition to Employment for Refugee Young People
Centre for Multicultural Youth, Carlton, Victoria, 2014

The purpose of the report is to guide the development of future programmes including those supported by philanthropy. Section One reviews the recent data and literature to take stock of the current experiences of refugee young people in education and in their transition from education to employment. Section Two looks at the programming context with the aim of drawing out key themes of 'what works' in assisting young people to navigate a pathway between education and employment.
Key question: What are the experiences of refugee and other newly arrived young people in navigating education and employment pathways?
Key question: 'What works' in facilitating positive transitions in education and employment for refugee young people in Australia?
As of 27-4-16 lit review indicators were: Education, Employment, Racism, Discrimination.
Methodology: A data update and review of the recent literature with a focus on what works