Published Resources Details Report

Skattebol, J., Hamilton, M., Skrzypiec, G., Burnstock, T., Redmond, G., Jenkins, B, Dodd, K.
Understanding children's perspectives on wellbeing The Australian Child Wellbeing Project: Phase One Report
Flinders University, the University of NSW and the Australian Council for Educational Research., 2013

The Australian Child Wellbeing Project is a child-centred study in which young people's perspectives are being used to design a major nationally representative survey of wellbeing among 8-14 year olds, and to interpret findings from that survey. The survey will benchmark child wellbeing in Australia and provide information that contributes to the development of effective services for young people's healthy development. For the purposes of this project, wellbeing is broadly understood as comprising a young person's material and environmental circumstances, his or her relationships, and how he or she thinks about themself in the context of those circumstances and relationships.
As of the 27-4-16 lit review indicators were: Health and Wellbeing.
Methodology: 97 young people across the specified target groups have participated in the workshops. Of these, 29 participated in in-depth follow-up interviews, and two young people (who did not participate in the group workshops) were also interviewed