Published Resources Details Journal Article

Thomas, R. L.
The Right to Quality Education for Refugee Children Through Social Inclusion
Journal of Human Rights and Social Work
vol. 1, no. 4, 2018, pp. 193-201

The number of refugees worldwide has increased exponentially in recent years, and children represent more than half of the refugee population. The needs of refugee children are complex. Many have traumatic experiences and disrupted education, and are then tasked with adapting to a new culture. The literature emphasizes the importance of education in determining the future of young refugees and its potential to transform lives for those who have access to it. This article will focus on the right to education and social inclusion of refugee children in the school system from a human rights perspective. The author proposes that schools play a critical role in helping refugee children find some sense of safety and helping maximize their learning potential. This human rights and social inclusion approach requires active participation from government, school administration, the ESL and mainstream teachers, the social workers, students and their parents, refugee students and their parents, and the community to partner together to create an environment for active learning and socialization for productive citizenry in the USA. The author maintains that social work is in a unique position and suggests strategies that facilitate a broader effort toward social inclusion which is vital to the well-being of refugee children and allows them to become an integral part of society.