MYA Census 2017 Question 17. Who do you live with? (Mark ALL that apply)

MY Australia Census 2017


This question asks participants about the person(s) with whom they live. This question provided insights into social connection and isolation, and how family relationships shape outcomes for multicultural youth.


Response Options: The participants could select one or multiple options from a list of 7 items which included: parents or guardians, brothers or sisters, my own children, other family members, partner (spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend), housemate or friends, and alone. There was also a 'other (please specify)' option to allow answers beyond the available response options.

Response: 1,867 respondents answered this question.

Results: The findings show that three-quarters of the sample (76.7%) lived with parents or guardians. 8.3% lived with housemates or friends, and 8% lived with a partner. Only 2.3% lived alone.