
Selected images from the Peter Dunn Archives collection (MS 15452) at the State Library of Victoria.

This is a small sample of images provided for indicative purposes. Additional photographic content can be found throughout the archival collection. Requests to view archive material should be directed to the State Library of Victoria Manuscripts Collection. Images held in the wider Peter Dunn collection include confrontational subject matter and depictions of human injury that may cause distress.

Artillery shells, Iraq, c1991.

Source item reference: DUNN00211

Empty 250kg bomb cases, Muthanna State Establishment, Samarra, Iraq, June 1991.

Source item reference: DUNN00729

Statues on the Shatt al-Arab waterfront, Basra, Iraq, 1995.

Source item reference: DUNN00200

Erected in 1989, in memory of Iraqis killed during the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s, the 101 'Statues of the Martyrs' pointed towards Iran. They were pulled down in 2003, an action that has been attributed variously to looters, and to British troops.

Azadi Stadium, Tehran, Iran, February 1986.

Source item reference: DUNN00085, DUNN00686

Makeshift hospital beds ready to receive victims of mustard gas weapons.

Transferring mustard gas samples, Iran, 1984.

Source item reference: DUNN00218

Drs Dunn [left] and Andersson transferring mustard gas samples in fume cupboard at the Clinical Laboratory of the Labafi-Nejad Hospital, Tehran.

Night sky over Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, February 1991.

Source item reference: DUNN00735

American Patriot missiles intercepting incoming Iraqi Scud missiles.

Defused bomb, south-west Iran, March 1984.

Source item reference: DUNN00891, DUNN00686

Mustard gas bomb defused in the warzone. A Pasdar (Iranian Revolutionary Guard) is pictured holding a soft drink bottle containing a sample of mustard gas taken from the bomb.

Chemical burns, Iraq, May 1987.

Source item reference: DUNN00685

Mustard gas burns on Iraqi soldiers on duty in East of Basra Sector.

Published by the eScholarship Research Centre, The University of Melbourne,
Listed by Ann McCarthy, Antonina Lewis, Anna Russell, Elizabeth Daniels, and Arlie McCarthy
HTML edition
Updated 14 July 2014

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