Pilot Question (MYA Census 2017) YB02 - What is the main reason your family came to Australia? (Mark ALL that apply)

The Migrant Youth Survey 2017 [Pilot]


The response options to this question were:
This question asks participants about their family's reasons for moving to Australia. The research sought to determine how respondents' reasons for migration influenced their social, economic and cultural outcomes.


Response Options: Respondents could choose from 5 options including: parent or family's work, parent or family's education, to be with family, humanitarian (refugee/asylum seeker), and unsure. There was also a 'other (please specify)' option to allow answers beyond the available response options.

409 respondents answered this question.

Below is a breakdown of the responses:

This question was developed by the ARC Linkage Project LP150100219 Defining the Status of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Young People project team.