MYA Census 2017 Question 30. How much do you agree with the following statements?

MY Australia Census 2017


This question examines participants' sense of belonging. Belonging is a key barometer of multicultural young people's social, economic and cultural status. It can be understood as the subjective aspect of settlement. This question understands that belonging is a complex attribute, that can be experienced differently in relation to different social and physical spaces.


Response Options: The questions in this section of the Census included: 1) I feel like I belong in Australia, 2) I feel like I belong at my school/university/TAFE, 3) I feel like I belong in my workplace, 4) I feel like I belong in my local area, 5) I feel like I belong in more than one culture, 6) I feel like I belong to an ethnic community in Australia, 7) I seek out different cultural experiences (e.g. food, music), and 8) It's important for me to maintain my cultural heritage. The response options were: strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree and not applicable.

Response: 1,713 respondents answered this question.

Results: Overall, refugee and migrant youth felt a high sense of belonging, both to Australia and more locally - more than three quarters (79.8%) said they either 'strongly agree' or 'agree' with the statement, 'I feel like I belong in Australia', and a similar proportion felt belonging to their local area (80.2% agreement).

Below is a breakdown of the responses: