MYA Census 2017 Question 58. What stops you from doing the activities above as much as you would like to? (Mark ALL that apply)

MY Australia Census 2017


This question examines barriers to participation; it asks the respondents to identify the barriers that stops them from participating more actively in the social, cultural and political activities that they identified earlier.


Response Options: The response options included: 1) it is too difficult to travel, 2) I'm worried I won't fit in, 3) I don't have enough time, 4) my family doesn't want me to, 5) I am not confident with my English, 6) it costs too much, 7) I don't have anyone to go with, and 8) none of the above. There was also a 'other (please specify)' option to allow answers beyond the available response options.

Response: 1,502 respondents answered this question.

Results: The top two barriers that prevented more active participation included: financial cost (42.1%) and time (37.3%).

Below is a breakdown of the responses: