RiC Entity Person

RiC Third Level Entity
Alternative Names
  • RiC-E08 (RiC-CM Consultation Draft v0.2 December 2019)


A Person is a human being with a socially constructed identity or persona. In the Records in Context - Conceptual Model, a Person is a kind of Agent.


The Records in Context - Conceptual Model v. 0.2 (preview) Dezember 2019 defines and describes a Person as follows:
A human being with a social identity or persona.

Scope Note
Person is a kind of Agent (RiC-E07).
Most commonly, a human being (biological person) has a single coeval social identity or persona. In everyday discourse, this is the "real person."
Less common though not rare, over the course of a lifetime, personae in addition to the coeval (or "original") persona may be associated with the human being. Such "alternative
personae" are most often created by the original person for specific purposes.
Under some circumstances, an alternative persona might eclipse or replace the original person (Mark Twain eclipsing Samuel Clemens; John Wayne eclipsing Marion Mitchell
Morrison), that is, the social (shared) alternative identity becomes the predominate identity.
Less common yet is two or more persons collaborate to create a shared persona. Persona shared by two or more Persons constitute a kind of Group.
Within the archival context, the original Person generally will be the focus of the description, with alternative personae noted. Exceptionally, an alternative persona may
displace the coeval persona.

Nelson Mandela; Anthony Noel, 6th Earl of Gainsborough;
Túpac Amaru; Avempace; Simón Ruiz Embito; Endre Enrö Friedmann; Jaime I (King of
Aragón); Gregorio IV (papa); Jacob Schwarz

Gavan McCarthy