Pre-existing Question Have you been involved in any of the following activities in the past year?

Active Citizenship and Belonging: Young People from migrant and refugee backgrounds in Victoria


Have you been involved in any of the following activities in the past year? Sent a letter or email to a politician about an issue you care about
Visited your Member of Parliament or a politician about an issue you care about
Signed a petition or online campaign
Used media to express an opinion about an issue that you care about (through radio, newspaper, online, Facebook, Twitter, blog etc.)
Attended a protest or demonstration
Attended a social action or community group around a particular interest
Volunteered (with an organisation or in the community - e.g. unpaid community work)
Been involved in youth leadership initiatives (e.g. youth councils, youth reference groups, youth-led groups or organisations etc.)
Been involved in my own cultural community-based activities (e.g. community celebrations, events, groups etc.)
Been involved in religious groups or organisations
Participated in group recreation (e.g. sport, dance, music etc.) or social activities or clubs
Participated in school based groups (e.g. student council, issue based groups etc.)
None of the above

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