Domain Citizenship


Citizenship - both formal and informal - is an important indicator of one's belonging in a culturally diverse society. Citizenship is normally understood in terms of belonging to a nation state, however, one might also identify as a local citizen, or a global citizen. Citizenship can be understood as the sum total of one's capacity to participate in culture, and to claim social, cultural and political rights.


Formal citizenship: The formal means and instruments by which people become and express themselves as citizens of a nation (eg, through granting of citizenship, determination of visa status, undertaking of citizenship tests). Citizenship also involves specific civic responsibiities (such as voting) and rights (the right to welfare, education, healthcare).

Informal citizenship: Informal expressions of citizenship can involve cultural political practices that one does not have to be a citizen to undertake. The term 'cultural citizenship' is often used to describe these informal citizenship practices. Cultural citizenship is a useful concept because it can refer to the global and local attachments and connections that young people have while cultivating their commitments to multiple places and identities.